
Monday, May 7, 2012

This and That

I have come to rely on my iPhone for snapping here we go!

On Saturday, May 5, it was Children's Day in Korea. This year we didn't plan anything in particular. Instead, we celebrated by going to a birthday party! It was held at a really neat Kiddie Park where the rides are perfect sizes for kids! I know someone will LOVE all of the rides someday, but for our first run we stuck with all 3 of us on the carousel. We also discovered someone LOVES watermelon!

On Friday Gavin had his first doctor's appointment. We really like his doctor. She's really sweet and great with Gavin. Thankfully he only had to get 3 shots. She said he's doing great and she'll see us back for his 2 year check up.

She also wanted some blood work done. The picture below is from today as we were registering for the blood work. As you can tell, he had no clue what was coming up next. They weighed him before the withdrawal, and thankfully he weighed enough that they could take all the blood they needed today...and it went as you can probably imagine. I have to say he held a bit of a grudge against the techs...he could have picked a cute sewn fish when they were done, but he batted it away when they offered :/

Taking Fluffy on a walk, a special gift from his cousins.

This is what I saw when it was bath time tonight...

...and at bedtime, granted Ace has since moved, but...

Gracie is still on the futon...

The dogs really are doing well with Gavin but Ace and Gracie watch out for him. If you know Callie, she tolerates him. :-)

There's a pretty big storm passing over SA, thankfully our guy can sleep through anything as long as you can get him to sleep. :-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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