
Saturday, April 28, 2012


We're slowly beginning to feel like ourselves. The jet lag has not been as brutal as I thought it would be. Gavin went to sleep around 9ish, which is close to when he would go to sleep in Korea. Nap time and bedtime are still an adjustment. Typically, I will walk him around in the carrier, until he falls into a deep sleep and then I will lay down with him in the carrier on our futon mattress which we've put on the floor. I'll typically lay down with him to make sure he's asleep, but then I'm able to leave and we watch him on our monitor. 

Tonight we were finally able to unpack the majority of the things that we brought home from Korea. We were very fortunate that the foster family packed us 2 duffel bags full of clothes, hats, toys, etc... that Gavin had in Korea. Some of the special mementos from his foster family include:

Baby Food, with a special spoon that we are going to keep forever!!!

A name chop that his foster family purchased for him. 

We also received a photo album and pictures from his first birthday, Tol, which is a momentous occasion/celebration especially in Korea. I had planned to share some of the pics, but that will have to wait for another night. The scanner does not want to cooperate at the moment. 

We'll leave you with this photo. Gavin has a great smile, and this is the expression that we typically see on his face. It's amazing the difference one day will make to the next. We continue to pray for his heart as he makes his adjustments to his life with us and we continue to pray for his foster family that they are finding peace in their hearts. I hope that one day I will be able to post a picture of this remarkable family, so you can see who loved our sweet boy for over a year of his life. 
Nighty night!  :0)

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